Quiz: Are You Green as Grass or Black as Coal?
Are you hugging the trees or cutting them down for paper? Do you consider yourself a lover of the environment, or is it just there to support your needs?
Often, people think they are environmentally friendly when they’re really burning the earth down. Take this quiz to find out if you are good to the environment or if you need to make some changes.
Answering the Questions
It’s tempting to answers questions based on what you want people to think of you. For instance, you might not want people to know that you bathe in bottled water, but it’s important that you answer honestly. Don’t try to make yourself look better than you are. Otherwise, you won’t get accurate results when you take the test.
Looking at Your Score
When you get your score, you might be right where you thought you were, or you might have some work to do. Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t the environmental juggernaut that you thought you were. There is always room for improvement, and now you know what you need to do to take your activism to the next level. For instance, maybe you can cut out the bottled water and replaced it with recycled water. Even tap water would be a welcome change.
Retaking the Test
If you have some work to do, roll up your sleeves and get to it. Then, come back and retake the test to find out if your score finally lines up with your ideals. You will be surprised what a little work can do. You can become an environmental advocate if you put your mind to it.
You want what’s best for the planet, but you might be part of the problem. Take this test to find out how you line up. Then, you’ll be ready to come up with the best environmental plan possible.