Quiz: Are You an Expert DIY’er or a Do-nothinger?
If something breaks inside of your home, can you tackle it yourself, or are you better off calling a contractor to come out and fix it? Can you handle all tasks big and small, or should you run as soon as something goes wrong? Take this quiz to find out if you’re all thumbs or if you should play the role of contractor whenever something breaks. Then, you’ll know if you should add some more tools into the mix or if you should hang up your tool belt once and for all.
Easy Test, Quick Results
Some people freeze up when they hear the word “test.” They have visions of proficiency tests they had to take in school, but this is nothing like that. It is a simple multiple choice test that provides insight into your skills. Best of all, it’s all about you. You don’t have to study for this test. You’ve been living in your own skin for long enough to know the answer to each question. You won’t even have to put much thought into the process.
Some people do like to fib a bit when they take the test, and that is a mistake. There’s no reason to fib on this test. If you want to find out more about yourself, you have to answer honestly. That’s the best way to find out how you really are when it comes to fixing things.
Take It in Pairs
If you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, have your partner take this test, as well. You might end up being all thumbs, but maybe your loved one has the DIY skills to take care of business if something breaks. It could be reversed, as well. Maybe you are a DIY master, but your loved one can’t even handle a hammer. It’s a good idea to know about that just in case something breaks.
After you finish up, share your results so your friends can get in on the action. Then, everyone in your group will know if they can tackle issues that come their way or if they need to keep the contractor’s number saved in their phones.