Quiz: Are You a Party Animal or a Party Pooper?
Do you like to keep the party going all night long, or are you happier at home with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s? Maybe you used to be a party animal, but now, it seems like you don’t have the get-up-and-go that you need for a raging lifestyle. Take this test to find out if you’re the ultimate party animal or if you prefer to sit on the sidelines with your favorite TV show. Once you get the results, you’ll know if you need to hang your party clothes up for good or if you’re ready for the next round out on the town.
Do You Have a Party of Two?
If you are single, you only have to worry about yourself. However, if you are with someone else, you need to know about his or her party lifestyle, as well. Maybe you are with a crazy party animal while you would rather sit at home. On the other hand, you might be with a homebody when you love to party every night of the week. These different lifestyles can cause a lot of fights. Get to the bottom of it once and for all by having your partner take this test. Then, you can find ways to compromise. Maybe the party animal will need to stay in sometimes, while the party pooper will have to take off his or her robe and hit the town every once in a while. Sometimes, you might have to part ways with your partner so you can both do what you enjoy without any issues. Choose a compromise that works best for you and your loved one.
Share with Your Friends
Partying is for friends, so be sure to share your results when you finish the test. You can share them on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest for the world to see. Then, your friends can dive in and learn more about their partying ways.
As you get older, your habits change. Find out how much they have changed with this test. You might not be the person you used to be. Take this test and find out more.